Maplewood Covenant Business Step-By-Step Guide On Fixing A Loose Toilet Tank Handle

Step-By-Step Guide On Fixing A Loose Toilet Tank Handle

Toilet levers,or handles,are used several times a day; so it is no surprise that they begin to loosen overtime. Although not a serious repair,it is important to remedy a loose toilet lever because it can affect toilet performance and efficiency. Not only is a toilet with poor flushing performance unpleasant and unsanitary,its inefficiency can increase monthly water bills. Fortunately,this is generally an easy fix,and one that you can accomplish all on your own with a few simple adjustments. Continue reading to review a step-by-step guide on tightening a loose toilet tank lever.

Payless Plumbing

The Tools and Materials You Will Need

To tighten up a loose toilet tank handle,you won’t require very many tools or supplies. That is because it is not a very invasive repair. Most likely,you will already have the tools necessary to get the job done. This saves you time by avoiding a trip to the local home improvement store. All you need is your own two hands and an adjustable wrench.


Start by locating the water shut-off valve for the toilet. The supply pipe and handle should be behind the tank. Turn off the water supply to the toilet by rotating the shut-off valve handle clockwise.

Once the shutoff valve is closed,remove the toilet tank lid. Grab both sides and lift upwards. It should not be sealed or connected to the toilet. Place it down slowly on a flat,stable surface so you do not crack or break it.

You will now need to empty the tank of water. Do this by simply flushing the toilet with the handle. It is easier to adjust a loose toilet lever without water in the tank.

Now look for the metal nut that secures the toilet lever to the inside of the tank. This is the nut that has come loose. Standard screws and other threaded hardware are forward threaded,but toilet lever nuts and screws are reverse-threaded with a plastic washer. This helps to prevent loosening overtime.

Use your adjustable wrench to tighten the nut. Do this by grasping the nut with your wrench and turning it clockwise. Continue turning the nut until you begin to feel resistance. Once you feel this resistance,make only a couple more turns until it is difficult to turn any more. Be careful to not overdo it and accidentally crack the tank.

Next,test the lever’s tightness and performance by pressing it as if you were flushing the toilet. If it does not compress well,it is too tight and you will need to loosen it by one or two rotations. Loosen counterclockwise with your wrench.

Finish by turning your water supply to the toilet back on.

South Florida Plumbing

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How Well Do You Know your Own Mind?How Well Do You Know your Own Mind?

By John Sage sales coach

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the next instalment in my Guidelines of Life blog series. In the last edition,we went over the value of having guidelines,how to create your own guidelines,and a couple of other tips to adopt a wealth mindset.

Let’s not waste any time and get to the next three rules. These are a bit various than the last,and I want you to think of the time you invest reflecting and evaluating past choices.

Guideline Five: Know thyself

I ask you: do you really know yourself? Do you understand your practices,failures,successes,insecurities,and so on?

We have blinders on in our everyday lives. It doesn’t matter whether you’re driving to the doughnut store or signing a multi-million-dollar property investment offer,you’re probably not looking closely in the mirror.

The thing is,all of the very best investors worldwide know themselves within and out and you can too with a little bit of practice.
It’s everything about understanding your process for examining investment decisions. If you can develop a system to objectively understand the danger and benefits of a choice,you’ll make better choices in the long-run.

More from John Sage sales coach:

Rule 6: Ethics and value exchange

I wish to stop for a minute to make one thing clear: these are 2 various things that I’m describing.

Ethics are the overriding concepts that direct you throughout life. They’re your morals,principles,and assist to keep you from losing control of your life. With these ethics,navigating struggling waters becomes much simpler as you basically already have a roadmap to utilise to base all of your decisions.

Value exchange,on the other hand,describes the procedure of wealth exchange. To build wealth,you require to give something of value on your side of the exchange.
You can’t have one without the other,and if you wish to end up being wealthy and adopt a wealthy state of mind,you require to establish values that you can then exchange. To put it simply,to construct wealth,you need to add value.

Rule Seven: Integrity

Anyone can lie,cheat,or take in the investing world. In truth,Hollywood motion pictures like Wall Street and others reveal this practice and have actually moved the public’s understanding. Let me tell you one thing: you won’t make it really far in the long-run without some integrity.

Individuals get the liars and cheats in the investing world,and although you might get some short-term success,it will run out,and your track record will be garbage.
To cap off this blog post,I want to summarise a couple of points:

â? To make it throughout life,you require to understand yourself. You need to come in person with your successes,failures,fears,requirements,and wants.

â? You likewise need to define your core ethics in life. What principles assist you? When you can determine this,you can begin adding value to wealth exchanges.

â? Lastly,you require to have integrity and do whatever truthfully. It might take longer to see success,but you’ll have much better luck in the long-run,build more powerful relationships,and more steady wealth.

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The last three rules await you in my next blog. Subscribe to this blog and follow me on social networks to never ever miss an update!

Strategies for Debt NegotiationStrategies for Debt Negotiation

Sometimes the inevitable happens: No matter how cautious and organized you’ve been,you’re going to fall behind on your bills. Whether it’s because of a job loss,increased bills,or something completely unexpected,there are many reasons why you might fall behind on debt payments. When this happens,good money management might help you get back to financial security. However,this isn’t always the case and sometimes more drastic actions are needed. To avoid severe consequences,it would be wise to begin negotiation efforts with your creditors.

Strategies for Debt Negotiation

When money management isn’t enough to get the bills paid in their entirety,then it’s time for debt negotiation. This will allow you to lower the overall amount due if your creditor approves. Properly approaching debt negotiation discussions increases the likelihood that the creditor will agree to your request.

1.Prioritize your debts.If you are going into debt negotiation for multiple accounts,you’ll generally want to eliminate the lowest balances first. However,there are exceptions and certain types of debt are more important than others. For instance,you should always make a good effort to pay your mortgage over a credit card bill,if you ever have to decide between the two.

2.Double-check your ability to pay.There’s nothing worse than making an offer to your creditor for debt negotiation,having it approved,then realizing that your offer is still too much for you to bear. By double-checking your ability to pay,you’re ensuring that your negotiation actually works for you.

3.Don’t get emotional.While you’ll want to explain why you’re facing financial hardships (job loss,medical expenses,etc.) avoid telling them your life story. Your creditors don’t have a lot of sympathy and are ultimately looking at the bottom line.

4.Brag about your money management.If you’ve made a good faith effort to pay all your bills,be sure to mention your payment history and the clear effort you’ve made! This will make it easier during the debt negotiation process.

5.Consider mentioning bankruptcy.If you’re considering bankruptcy,then mention it or hint that you’re considering it. A bankruptcy means that you’ll be discharged of the debt and that the debt is now the loss of the creditor. The creditor would rather lose some money through debt negotiation than the entire amount through bankruptcy.

6.Save money before debt negotiation.You’ll want to practice good money management by saving enough cash to make a payment before you begin the debt negotiation process. However,do not stop making your current payments! Instead,save enough so that you can make a payment right away. Creditors are more likely to settle if a fund can be immediately transferred.

7.Record the phone call.Consider recording the phone conversation. Recording the conversation – and letting the debt collector know you’re recording it – is a great way to keep them in line. Furthermore,you also have a record of the phone conversation!