Day: April 13, 2021

How the Flow State Helps in your Academic or Work CareerHow the Flow State Helps in your Academic or Work Career

The term flow state has been a buzz lately, especially in blogs and articles. It is frequently mentioned and is often a topic by most. Business owners and students who want to achieve their goals successfully have made an interest in attaining the so-called term.

So what is a flow state? And why has it become relatively popular for people who want to increase their chance of success?

 A flow state is a psychological state wherein a person becomes focused and concentrated on their task or job. Whether you are a student or a professional, understanding and achieving this state can help promote success in everyday tasks. 

This article will help you know more about the Flow State and help you understand how it can help with your career.

Knowing more about Flow State

The Flow State is also commonly known as “being in the zone. You may have heard it being said by others when they someone fully immersed in something. The concept was named and recognized by Mihály Csíkszentmihályim, a Hungarian psychologist. It is a mental state of being focused hence allowed productivity in a task. 

When a person is in a flow state, they become fully immersed in their activity. They become entirely focused by giving their energy and involvement to the task. They even sometimes lose track of time.

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The Flow State includes various attributes such as a sense of effortlessness, working with ease, and losing track of time. Due to this reason, many people want to achieve this high degree of concentration. 

How can Flow State Help You?

You’ll probably be wondering, how can it help with your daily life? The answer is simple-it helps you to be more productive than usual. Productivity always equals being able to finish more tasks. When you are in a flow state, you become so focused that you become fully immersed with what you are doing that you do it remarkably and immediately.  

For example, artists enter the flow state when they create their award-winning masterpiece. Any individual can experience it. A student, for instance, who had high scores during their exam may have entered a flow state. Athletes may have entered the flow state when they win awards to their field.

Remember that you don’t have to a top performer to enter a flow state. It is a state of mind that anyone can tap into, given that they do the suitable measures in doing so. When you can activate this, it will significantly increase the productivity in doing every task.

Achieving the Flow State

Now that we have a background of what it is. We can now move further on how we can achieve the flow state. Here are some methods to help you:

1. Settle for an activity that matches your skills.

The flow state is attained when we do a gratifying activity and challenging enough for our skills. The activities that we enjoy doing are the ones we find fulfilling. So if you want to achieve a flow state, do or find activities that will match your skills. 

You will find that it is easier to focus when you do the things like you hence allow you to achieve the flow state. 

2. Create a goal.

Before doing a task, the first thing you have to do is create a goal. It will provide you an idea of what you want to achieve when doing it. When you start something without a plan, you will tend to get lost in the process and lose interest as you don’t know its purpose. It’s like entering a cave without a map.

When you create a goal, you set up a purpose for your task. It will then ignite your flow state. Besides, you’ll also feel a sense of accomplishment once you have achieved your goal.

3. Remove Distractions.

When you remove distractions around you, the focus becomes easy to achieve. It is important to get rid of things that might pull you away from what you need to do. Keep in mind that a flow state occurs when your mind is focused. So it is easy to achieve it when there are no distractions around you.