Day: May 30, 2022

Tips for Safe Shopping during the PandemicTips for Safe Shopping during the Pandemic

The world is now returning to normal since the covid-19 virus started to spread. However, the World Health Organization officials say that the pandemic is not yet over. There are still a lot of countries getting a high surge of cases. So in order to be safe, we must adapt to the ‘new normal’.

Now that establishments, such as grocery stores, are back in business, there are a few things to remember to avoid contracting or spreading the virus. Here are some tips you must remember for safe shopping during the pandemic:

1. Wear a mask or face cover

People may assume that just because some countries have already removed the mandatory mask mandate, it is now safe not to wear them. However, it is still important to wear them, especially in crowded places like the grocery store.

2. Shop at home

One of the safest ways to buy your groceries is through online grocery in Hong Kong. Make use of technology by shopping online while you are at home. Not only will this keep you safe from contracting the virus, but this will even save you time and energy from going out.

3. Make a shop list

Going to the grocery store with a plan and with a list makes running your errands faster and more convenient. You would not need to take long in staying from shelf to shelf, thinking and deliberating whether you should buy it or not. When you have a list, you will be able to complete your grocery run faster, which means less chance of getting exposed to the virus.

4.  Shop alone

When you shop, it is better to do it alone. Since grocery stores are crowded places, it is best for everyone if you could help in limiting the number of people in the store.

5. Sanitize the items after

After shopping, do not forget to disinfect the items you have bought from the store. You do not know how many people have touched or or picked up the items you brought home, so before even organizing them in your pantry, sanitize them one by one.

Also, disinfect your clothes and other stuff you brought with you. It is also best that you take a shower after going outside to prevent spreading virus that you may have caught in your home.

For more information, visit: meat online delivery HK