Day: April 9, 2023

What is Solar Energy?What is Solar Energy?

Solar energy is the process of converting sunlight into thermal or electrical energy. It is a renewable energy source that helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and pollution.

Each hour enough sunlight hits the Earth`s surface to provide global energy for a whole year. But how do we harness that energy?

It`s free

Many companies offering free or low cost solar panels advertise these programs under the banner of power purchase agreements (PPAs) and solar leases. These programs allow the company to put solar panels on your roof at no upfront cost.

Then, they charge you a monthly rate for the electricity that these panels produce. This is the same price you would pay for electricity from your utility.

Despite the misleading marketing, there are still many incentives available that can make solar systems more affordable. The 30% federal solar tax credit, for example, is a significant savings on your taxes.

Many utility companies offer net metering. This allows homeowners to sell excess electricity back into the grid to receive energy credits for use in low-sunny periods. These programs can significantly reduce your total monthly energy costs, making solar an increasingly attractive investment for your home.

It`s clean

Solar power is one of the most environmentally friendly renewable energy sources. It decreases fossil fuel consumption and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

The technology converts sunlight into different types of energy, including electricity or heat. This flexible renewable energy source can be used for distributed generation (where it is located at the point-of-use) or utility-scale solar + power plants.

When the sun shines, photons of light are absorbed by semiconducting silicon material in solar panels. The atoms in the silicon react to create direct current (DC) electricity, which is sent to the system`s inverter.

However, solar panels can contain complex chemicals such as copper indium selenide, cadmium gallium selenide, and hexafluoroethane, which can be hazardous to both humans and the environment. When the panels are disposed of in landfills, these compounds seep into the soil and water, potentially contaminating drinking water.

It is renewable

One of the most sustainable sources of renewable energy on the planet is solar power. It doesn`t release greenhouse gases into the air or contaminate water, making it a clean alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear power.

It is also very cost-effective and can be used on a hyperlocal level, such as at the home or business of an individual, without the need for large infrastructure like wind turbines.

In addition, solar is the cleanest form of energy because it doesn`t produce carbon dioxide or other pollutants that cause climate change. It also has one of the lowest water consumption footprints of all renewable energy sources.

Electric utilities often overlook the importance of solar energy as a source of greenhouse gas emissions. These studies usually only consider the energy generated and not the energy used to power the grid.

It is reliable

Solar power is a reliable and efficient source of electricity. Solar power can be used to reduce or eliminate homeowners` electricity bills, particularly when it is combined with energy storage.

The most popular method to harness solar energy is through photovoltaic panels. Each solar cell absorbs sunlight and can contain hundreds or even thousands of cells.

Every photon of sunlight releases electrons that are directed at the metal contacts at each cell`s top and bottom. A voltage then forms between these layers, causing current to flow through the circuit.

An inverter converts this current into usable electricity. To ensure reliability and avoid potential problems down the road, it is important to select a high-quality inverter.

Unlike many sources of energy, including fossil fuels, solar power is completely renewable and won`t run out anytime soon. It has no negative impact on the environment.